What is Flutter? – Flutter App Explained

In the realm of mobile app development, cross-platform solutions are the linchpin of efficiency, enabling developers to write code once and deploy across multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android. One such solution that has emerged as a game-changer in the industry is Flutter. In this blog, we will delve into what Flutter is and why it has become a popular choice for building high-quality apps.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It was first announced in 2015 and officially released in December 2018, steadily gaining traction ever since. Built to bridge the gap between quality and productivity, Flutter allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop, all from a single codebase.

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020, Flutter ranked as the third most loved framework, signaling its fast-growing popularity among developers worldwide.

Advantages of Flutter in App Development

  • Fast development: With Flutter’s hot reload feature, developers can see changes in the code reflected instantly on emulators and devices, making the development process much faster.
  • Beautiful UI: Flutter offers a rich set of customizable widgets that enable developers to create stunning and consistent user interfaces for their apps.
  • High performance: By using the Dart programming language, Flutter compiles code directly to native machine code, resulting in faster app performance.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: As mentioned earlier, Flutter allows for cross-platform development, saving developers time and effort in writing separate code bases for each platform.

Core Components of Flutter

The core components of Flutter comprise the Dart platform, Flutter engine, Foundation library, and design-specific widgets. These components work together seamlessly to provide developers with an all-encompassing framework for creating visually stunning and responsive apps.

Dart Programming Language

Dart is the programming language used for coding in Flutter. It was also designed by Google and is the main reason behind Flutter’s high-performance characteristic. Dart allows to bypass the JavaScript bridge (a bottleneck in some frameworks) and compile the code directly to native machine code, resulting in a significant boost in app performance.

Flutter SDK

The Flutter Software Development Kit (SDK) is the suite of tools that developers need to create their applications. The SDK includes a series of reusable UI elements (or ‘widgets’), performance profiling tools, and a modern react-style framework. It also includes a full set of development tools, including those for compiling your code into native machine code.

Flutter Engine

The Flutter Engine is a portable runtime host that includes a host of lower-level libraries, including Skia (a 2D graphics rendering library) and Dart’s virtual machine. The Engine is primarily written in C++ and supports the execution of Dart code in the framework.

Foundation Library

The Foundation Library, written in Dart, provides basic classes and functions which are used to construct applications using Flutter, such as APIs to communicate with the engine. This library is the backbone and provides all the necessary building blocks for creating robust applications that can run seamlessly on multiple platforms.


The heart of the Flutter application interface lies in widgets. Widgets describe what the interface should look like given its current configuration and state. Since Flutter uses a reactive style framework, whenever a widget or state changes, it automatically redraws the UI, creating a highly dynamic and responsive user experience.

When asking ‘what is Flutter’ it’s not just an SDK, it’s a comprehensive suite of tools and components, underpinned by the Dart programming language, that allows developers to create beautiful, high-performing, cross-platform applications with ease and efficiency.

Why Choose Flutter for App Development?

Choosing Flutter for app development comes with a multitude of advantages. Firstly, High Performance: Flutter’s ability to compile directly into native machine code leads to high performance apps that run smoothly across different platforms. Secondly, one codebase for multiple platforms: It allows developers to write one codebase for your Android and iOS apps, reducing time and resources required for app development.

Thirdly, Hot Reload: The hot reload feature enables developers to see the changes made in code on emulators, simulators, and hardware almost instantly, thereby improving productivity and speeding up the iteration process. Lastly, Customizable UI: Flutter’s extensive widget catalog allows for highly customizable and dynamic UI.

There are numerous real-life examples of successful apps built with Flutter. Google Ads uses Flutter to maintain a seamless user experience across iOS and Android platforms. Another example is Alibaba, the international trade giant, which used to power parts of their app and saw significant improvements in productivity and performance. Reflectly, a lifestyle app, leveraged Flutter’s capability to create a beautiful UI and deliver a consistent, high-quality user experience across different platforms.

Flutter’s high performance, flexible UI, hot reload, and cross-platform capabilities make it an ideal choice for app development. Its successful utilization by industry giants further illustrates its efficacy and potential.

Flutter vs Other Cross-Platform Frameworks

While there are other cross-platform frameworks available, Flutter stands out due to its unique advantages. So, what is Flutter? It’s a comprehensive app Software Development Kit (SDK), complete with widgets and tools, that provides developers with the resources to build visually appealing, high-performance mobile apps. It has become a prominent player in the tech industry, offering an advantageous alternative for mobile application development.

Other frameworks like React Native, Xamarin, and Ionic require developers to use bridging technology or native components to create cross-platform apps. In contrast, Flutter uses a single codebase that allows for easier debugging, faster testing, and quicker development. Also, unlike other frameworks that rely on OEM widgets from the host platform (e.g., iOS and Android), Flutter has its own set of customizable widgets, giving developers more control over the UI and reducing dependency on platform-specific updates.

Additionally, Flutter’s hot reload feature enables real-time code changes and immediate visual feedback, saving developers hours of development time. It also has a highly responsive interface that supports smooth animations and transitions, making it ideal for building visually appealing apps.

Building an App with Flutter

When embarking on the journey of creating a mobile application with Flutter, the process can be categorized into five broad steps: Planning, Design, Development, Testing, and Deployment.


The first step in the Flutter app development process is planning. This includes understanding the app’s objectives, identifying the target audience, and creating a detailed roadmap for the design and development process.


The design phase involves creating the app’s user interface. Flutter’s rich set of customizable widgets comes in handy here, allowing developers to craft aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly designs. The goal is to create an intuitive, smooth, and enjoyable user experience.


The development phase is where the magic happens. It enables developers to generate a cross-platform app from a single codebase, drastically reducing the amount of coding required. Features such as hot reload provide immediate visual feedback, making this process efficient and agile.


Testing is a critical part of the development process. With Flutter, developers can perform unit tests, widget testing and integration tests, ensuring that the app is bug-free, user-friendly, and performing optimally.


Finally, once the app is tested and ready, it’s time for deployment. Flutter facilitates the deployment process, making it straightforward to launch the app on multiple platforms simultaneously.

Utilising Flutter’s features and adhering to these key design principles and practices will ensure a streamlined, efficient app development process. Keep in mind that the path to creating a successful Flutter app is iterative, requiring continuous evaluation and refining. Be ready to adapt and evolve, and you will be well on your way to creating a high-quality, user-friendly app.


In conclusion, Flutter is an empowering framework that enables developers to create powerful, high-performing, and aesthetically pleasing apps. By employing strategic design principles, development practices, and thorough testing, developers can leverage Flutter’s features to produce high-quality cross-platform applications. Remember, the journey of app development is an iterative process that calls for continuous improvement. So, keep refining, keep testing, and keep iterating to ensure your app stands out in the crowded digital space.
Got a question or need further insights into Flutter app development? Feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We’re here to help!

Kiran P.

I am Kiran Patel, a technology enthusiast. Blogger & Author by passion. Whether you talk about passion or profession, by both I am a writer! I am a Guest Author on many reputed sites and have been sharing my knowledge since many years now.

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